Ned Van Eps, Anita M. Preininger, Nathan Alexander, Ali I. Kaya, Scott Meier, Jens Meiler, Heidi E. Hamm, and Wayne L. Hubbell
Interaction of a G protein with an activated receptor opens the interdomain interface in the alpha subunit |

Andrew Morin, Jens Meiler, Laura Mizoue
Computational design of protein-ligand interfaces: Potential in Therapeutic Development. |
Trends in Biotechnology |

Fortenberry C, Bowman EA, Proffitt W, Dorr B, Combs S, Harp J, Mizoue L, Meiler J
Exploring Symmetry as an Avenue to the Computational Design of Large Protein Domains |
J. Am. Chem. Soc. |

Soumya Ganguly, Brian E. Weiner, Jens Meiler
Membrane Protein Structure Determination using Paramagnetic Tags |
Structure |

Olmsted IR, Xiao Y, Cho M, Csordas AT, Sheehan JH, Meiler J, Soh HT, Bornhop DJ.
Measurement of Aptamer-Protein Interactions with Back-Scattering Interferometry |
Analytical Chemistry |

Keith Henry, Hideki Iwamoto, Julie R. Field, Kristian Kaufmann, Eric S. Dawson, Miriam T. Jacobs, Chelsea Adams, Bruce Felts, Igor Zdravkovic, Vanessa Armstrong, Steven Combs, Ernesto Solis, Gary Rudnick, Sergei Y. Noskov, Louis J. DeFelice, Jens Meiler, and Randy D. Blakely
A Conserved Asparagine Residue in Transmembrane Segment 1 (TM1) of Serotonin Transporter Dictates Chloride-coupled Neurotransmitter Transport |
Journal of Biological Chemistry |

Julia Koehler, Jens Meiler
Expanding the utility of NMR restraints with paramagnetic compounds: Background and practical aspects |
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy |

Bhave G, Chauder BA, Liu W, Dawson ES, Kadakia R, Nguyen TT, Lewis LM, Meiler J, Weaver CD, Satlin LM, Lindsley CW, Denton JS
Development of a selective small-molecule inhibitor of Kir1.1, the renal outer medullary potassium channel |
Molecular Pharmacology |

Karen Gregory, Elizabeth Dong, Jens Meiler, Jeffrey Conn
Allosteric modulation of metabotropic glutamate receptors: Structural insights and therapeutic potential |
Neuropharmacology |

Sarel J. Fleishman, Andrew Leaver-Fay, Jacob E. Corn, Eva-Maria Strauch, Sagar D. Khare, Nobuyasu Koga, Justin Ashworth, Paul Murphy, Florian Richter, Gordon Lemmon, Jens Meiler, David Baker
RosettaScripts: A Scripting Language Interface to the Rosetta Macromolecular Modeling Suite |

Kazmier K, Alexander NS, Meiler J, McHaourab HS
Algorithm for selection of optimized EPR distance restraints for de novo protein structure determination |
Journal of Structural Biology |

Hirst SJ, Alexander N, McHaourab HS, Meiler J
RosettaEPR: an integrated tool for protein structure determination from sparse EPR data |
Journal of Structural Biology |

Nils Woetzel, Steffen Lindert, Phoebe L. Stewart, Jens Meiler
BCL::EM-Fit: Rigid body fitting of atomic structures into density maps using geometric hashing and real space refinement |
Journal of Structural Biology |

Sam DeLuca, Brent Dorr, and Jens Meiler
Design of native-like proteins through an exposure-dependent environment potential. |
Biochemistry |

Andrew Morin, Kristian W. Kaufmann, Carie Fortenberry, Joel M. Harp, Laura S. Mizoue, Jens Meiler
Computational design of an endo-1,4-β-xylanase ligand binding site |
Protein Engineering Design and Selection |

Edward W. Lowe, Mariusz Butkiewicz, Matthew Spellings, Albert Omlor, and Jens Meiler
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for the Prediction of LogP |
Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB), IEEE Symposium |

Leaver-Fay A, Tyka M, Lewis SM, Lange OF, Thompson J, Jacak R, Kaufman K, Renfrew PD, Smith CA, Sheffler W, Davis IW, Cooper S, Treuille A, Mandell DJ, Richter F, Ban YE, Fleishman SJ, Corn JE, Kim DE, Lyskov S, Berrondo M, Mentzer S, Popovi Z, Havranek JJ, Karanicolas J, Das R, Meiler J, Kortemme T, Gray JJ, Kuhlman B, Baker D, Bradley P.
ROSETTA3: An Object-Oriented Software Suite for the Simulation and Design of Macromolecules |
Methods in Enzymology |

Kaufmann K, Shen N, Mizoue L, Meiler J
A physical model for PDZ-domain/peptide interactions |
J. Mol. Model. |

Nathan Alexander, Nils Woetzel, Jens Meiler
Bcl::Cluster: A method for clustering biological molecules coupled with visualization in the Pymol Molecular Graphics System |
IEEE Conference |

Edward W. Lowe, Jr., Nils Woetzel, Jens Meiler
Poster: GPU-accelerated artificial neural network for QSAR modeling |
IEEE Conference |

Nils Woetzel, Edward W. Lowe, Jr., Jens Meiler
Poster: GPU-accelerated rigid body fitting of atomic structures into electron density maps |
IEEE Conference |

E. W. Lowe, M. Butkiewicz, M. Spellings, A. Omlor and J. Meiler
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for the Prediction of LogP |
IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology |