Group Members


Jordan Willis

Former Post-Doctoral Fellow

B.S. ACS Chemistry, B.A. Biology, Northwest Missouri State University
jordan.r.willis [ at ]

Research Interests:

1. High resolution binding energies associated with antibody  neutralization of HIV. Using this binding energy to correlate  neutralization of HIV we can design systematic mutations to engineer an antibody to regain neutralization of an antibody to a highly mutated HIV  variant that has escaped neutralization.

2. Low Resolution homology modeling of neutralizing antibodies that we  find in infectious blood. We can then use Rosetta Dock to find binding  epitopes to rule out which of these epitopes are important in eliciting  neutralizing antibody production.

3. Entropy/Enthalpy energy scoring to find out the importance of distal  mutations that occur during affinity maturation that are not at the  antigen binding interface.